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‘ Joyce’s energy and facilitation has been wonderful so helpful to be able to use mindfulness in busy daily situations, wherever I am’
participant from Haddington
I liked how Joyce gradually introduced new thoughts and ideas as the class proceeded. It was good to hear how other participants used it in their lives.
Anna from North Berwick.
Thank you so much. I feel it has been transformational. I hope to engage with mindfulness practice daily.
Denise, MBLC course
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Hello, I am Joyce, an East Lothian based mindfulness teacher.
Are you keen to  practice mindfulness meditation,
but not sure how to get started?
Find out about the foundational Mindfulness Based Living Course
(MBLC), the Compassionate Mindful Resilience course (CMR) mindful movement classes, Ageing Well mindfulness groups or individual mindfulness coaching.


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Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC)

The Mindfulness Based Living Course, this is an 8 week course and is a foundation course. 

We invite you to come to an introductory session to learn about what mindfulness is and how it may benefit your health and well-being. 


See courses/events for upcoming courses or get in touch by email for more information.



Compassionate Mindful Resilience course (CMR), a 4 week online course

This is a 4 week online course, via ZOOM. This course is a beginners course to learn mindfulness tools that helps you develop emotional resilience and mindful awareness. 

Shorter practices, this can be helpful when life is very busy or when you care a lot for others. 



Ageing Well Project East Lothian ( 50+age group)

Regular 6-8 weeks beginners courses in Haddington and Dunbar. Find out about the next course by emailing me or find Ageing Well East Lothian on Facebook.






Mindfulness for individuals
For those who have no time to join a group session or are not so keen in joining a group course. 
A one-to-one cours
e offers a space to explore mindfulness, we can tailor the course to your needs. We can be more flexible and work together when it suits your schedule best. 

Our meetings can be arranged via ZOOM video call, or we meet in a suitable venue like Fairbairn House in Haddington. 

Book a free 30 minute meeting to explore this option via


Mindfulness in movement classes
Mindfulness does not have to be practiced just by sitting, we can practice by moving in a mindful way. 

Stretching yourself out can be a mindful movement, or walking can be done mindfully. Any kind of movement can be done with awareness, really feeling how it feels to move the body in a certain way. 

Mindful movement classes are suitable for beginners. A regular class is offered in Haddington, email me for information and see courses/events.

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Mindfulness in education courses for teachers and pupils. 


Helping teachers discover tools for reducing stress levels and creating a happy and balanced life. 

  • Introductory sessions and  in -service day sessions

  • 8 week Mindful Courses

  • Tailored courses for pupils


Email me to arrange an explorative meeting,



© 2023 by Joyce Lukkes Mindfulness.  Proudly created with

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