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Mindfulness can be defined as 'knowing what is happening, while it is happening, without preference. ( Rob Nairn from the Mindfulness Association) 


Mindfulness can also be defined as 'the awareness that comes from paying attention, on purpose, to the present moment with acceptance and non-judgement ' (Jon Kabat- Zinn).


Mindfulness is something we all have access to- it's already available. 

Learning mindful meditation is training the muscle of our awareness- we learn to place our attention in the present. We can grow our ability to return to the present moment whenever our mind

wanders off into the future or the past. 


We can ask ourselves many times a day, 'how is my mind just now'?


Am I lost in thinking about something that happened or may happen in the future?

Was I lost in a story about something?

Was I trying to work out a solution to a problem?


Our minds seem at times to have a life on their own and we may feel not in control of our thinking. 


Learning to meditate and be mindful can help us be more in control of our thinking and improve our focus. With regular practice, we can free ourselves from unhelpful thought patterns and grow more helpful thought patterns ( energy follows focus).



Research has shown that a regular practice may help.....

  • Reducing levels of stress, anxiety, and rumination.

  • Becoming less reactive and critical towards self and others.

  • Promoting better sleep and healthy eating.

  • Learning to pause, and step out of ‘auto-pilot’  doing mode. 

  • Increasing positive states of mind and improving quality of life.

  • Noticing the richness of the moment-by-moment experience. 

  • Improving relationships due to increased attentive presence, kindness and understanding.



Kindness, compassion, acceptance, patience and self care are attitudes that grow with a regular meditation practice. What a difference this makes to the quality of living life, in an ever-changing world!


All we need to do is start where we are, make time and learn to practice! 



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